Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Universal, why don't you... just say so?

When Alberto died, one of the most excruciating and wonderful things I had to do was keeping up his good work. It was actually "our" work, but - as I said far too often - I always considered myself to be his Number One. So... just like we say "Picard's ship" or "Kirk's crew", I kept (and keep) saying "Alberto's STIC" or "Alberto's job".

It was excruciating, because without him I had to re-invent a daily routine on my own.
It was wonderful because carrying on the job we did together was one of the few things that made me feel alive.
Despite lots of practical problems (not the least of it was... to find the passwords for his work accounts!), I managed to keep our schedule and deliver my workload on time since the very week after his death.

For those who don't know, our main job as a graphic agency was to localise DVD covers for Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment. A job which started when someone (Dario, we'd never forgotten you) thought that it would have been much better to exploit our professional skill as a graphic agency rather than have us supervising the work of another graphic agency!
And when PHEI in Italy was closed by its US headquarter, we continued our work for Universal Pictures Italy.

In essence our job was to transform this...

into this!

A pretty complex job in practice, but I won't bore you telling all the technical nuances nor the various stages that precedes and follows the actual translation. Suffice to say that we localised all Paramount catalogue and new releases - from the box set of Il Padrino Edizione da collezione to I Pinguini di Madagascar La giornata di Re Julien.
 The Avengers was one of the latest localizations Alberto did before Marvel started to be distributed in Italy by Disney.
And of course we localised the whole bunch of Star Trek products, DVDs and Blu-rays alike.

In March, last year, Universal called me in their office in Rome. They had been supportive with me during those first months and I will never forget the voice of our good friend Enrico when I heard from him after Alberto's death. But that was not a social gathering - I was there to talk work!
They asked me if I was OK with their decision to give me POPs instead of packaging for all products except Star Trek, for which they still deferred to me since I was the remaining expert of the franchise. In simpler terms they wanted me to localize posters and stand ups instead of DVD covers for Paramount movies and TV series (while I would work on everything Star Trek).
I say yes - it was just a slightly different job. No big deal!
Except that...
Since then, they asked me to localise... two posters! No explanations given.

OK, no problem. They just decided to let go on my services and prefer some other agency. I didn't resent them - this is part of the risk of being self employed. Whether you're good or not, there is always someone else who can do the same job for less money, or for the same money but quicker... or simply someone who is better known by those who decide which agency to outsource the job.

I still had Star Trek! That was the important thing.

In more than one year working alone I localised all Italian products for the Blu-rays of The Next Generation (third season on) and Enterprise (only the first two seasons... as we sadly know!), the special box set release of the movies in DVD and also every Italian box for Into Darkness, including a special bespoken box-set. My latest job was for the upcoming sixth season of TNG and in a few week I would start working of the seventh. Beyond the personal working commitment, I was about to start a few events to help promoting the Star Trek home video products.

Hopefully I still will, but I'm not so sure anymore.

Because today I discovered that Universal just used another graphic agency for updating Star Trek Italian products and providing Italian logos for STID!
I am appalled!

I'm starting to wonder why Universal didn't chose me to do those simple updating jobs. I can fully understand a change of agency for any other product. But... why taking Star Trek away from me?
My agency prices are the same as they were eight years ago so it can't be a matter of money (and besides... I am ready to lower my prices, and even do it for free if necessary).
My graphic and translating skills are the same as they ever were, so it's not a matter of quality.
I always worked over nights and weekends for any product, but more so for Star Trek, so it's not a matter of speed in delivery the job.
And it's not certain about the good of the product - because if there is one thing (and this is the *only* thing) I'm not humble about, it's the knowledge of Star Trek inside and out. After more than 25 years spent nurturing Star Trek in Italy and knowing how every tiny detail is important, who better than me to handle the Star Trek franchise?

So why?
Universal, maybe you don't want to have anything to do with me as a fan or as a woman or as a... whatever? Because if this is the case... why don't you... just say so?
I guess I will discover soon enough. If Season Seven of TNG will not be done by me I will know for sure that Alberto's "era" has truly ended.

Oh, one last thing... for my friends. Don't be silly! If you stop buying DVDs or Blu-rays of movies or series you like just because you think Universal "don't deserve it", the only people you're punishing is yourself!

1 comment:

  1. That's "Capitalism" baby and there is nothing you can do...


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