Saturday, 21 June 2014

Ammiragliato Cloud... no more!

"I don't know what I should do, I know what I can do!"

To be honest I know what I should do and that is - as I rationally stated a few months ago - give Alberto's mementoes to friends in order to have them saved, away from the long evil grasp of Equitalia.

But... I can't. I started selling all those things that I haven't the gut to use without him (and some of them are already on eBay), but when I started opening his drawers and wardrobes where he put books and memorabilia... well, I could not touch one thing. Not one.
I'm still not used to the idea of the "Ammiragliato Cloud" so... forget it!

I am striving to keep the debts at bay, working day and night on as many thing as I can, and not a day passes without me sending away at least three CVs. So... as long as I can go on like this, Alberto's collections will stay here! In his home!

I may be not rational, nor logic, but that's what I can do!
And that's what I will do!

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