Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Missing Mac

He's been Nedda's and mine house cat, loved and well cared for. Mac was his name, although I simply called him "Gatto", 'cause he reminded me of Shrek Puss in Boots. He was gentle, trusting and loved people.

He's been probably poisoned over a week ago. By the very people he probably trusted. He lived less than two years, but he had fun... ooh, yes he had!


  1. Oh no, what happened? Where did you find him? That's terrible, how do you know he was poisoned?

    1. Nedda told me last night when I got home. She said they found him on Tuesday, over a week ago. It was probably poisoned because there was no blood nor broken bones. He was just laying on a side of the street, dead. :-(


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