Monday, 31 March 2014

Ammiraglio Cloud - Descriptions in Italian

Friends and family first!
I will update the list regularly adding items and deleting those no longer available. I know some of these are gifts, and allegedly you bring bad luck to your life if you give away gifts... well... tell me about bad luck again?!

[Updated on July 19th]

Chitarra Foll acquistata nel 1981. Le corde sono (ovviamente!) da cambiare. Ha una crepa nel legno, ma il suono e' ancora pieno e profondo.

Poltroncina segretaria. Cinque gambe, rivestita in stoffa lavabile. Regolabile in altezza. Usata da Gabriella per anni alla postazione "secondaria" color ocra.

L'ultima macchinetta per il caffé espresso di Alberto, usata per l'ultima volta la sera del 2 gennaio 2013. Può fare uno o due caffé alla volta, sia con caffé in polvere che con cialde. Ha beccuccio per il cappuccino e ago apposito per sturare i filtri. Dotata di stantuffo di sicurezza per controllare l'acqua e con una pallina bianca alimentare per il controllo dell'acqua nel serbatoio.

Schiaccianoci più contenitore: lo abbiamo usato solo durante le feste di fine anno 2012.

Il Decimo Dottore, Rose e i Cybermen della Cybus.
Completo e con scatola originale.

È rimasto appeso sulle scale di casa per anni, il colore è quello originale anche se il cartone si è un po' seccato con il passare degli anni.

Aperto e cominciato nelle feste di fine 2012, ma mai finito.

Mantellina e maschera (e anche la tromba!) del Robot di "The Christmas Invasion" (Doctor Who). Mantellina in pile leggero, maschera e tromba in cartapesta (la tromba e' molto "vissuta"!).
Costume fatto in casa di Obi-Wan Kenobi da "La minaccia fantasma". Indossato per varie anteprime, convention ed eventi nel 1999. Ho trovato gli "stivali", da qualche parte c'e' anche la cintura!

Costume fatto in casa di Darth Maul da "La minaccia fantasma". Indossato (non da me, ne' da Alberto!) per varie anteprime, convention ed eventi nel 1999. Completo di guanti. Purtroppo maschera e stivali non sono miei.

Mantello fatto in casa in cotone e raso. Usato come mantello di Darth Maul da "La minaccia fantasma" nel 1999. Riadattato come mantello da MagaGabe nel 2002 e indossato per eventi e convention a tema Harry Potter. Completo di gufo applicabile sulla spalla. All'interno di una manica c'e' la tasca portabacchetta.
Bacchetta in stile Harry Potter realizzata a mano dal bricomago Finarfin (chi lo conosce sa della sua maestria!). Sarebbe diventata la seconda bacchetta di MagaGabe dal 2012...
La bacchetta originale di MagaGabe realizzata da Finarfin.

More to come!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Hocruxes (aka Plan B)

I need not to add more to the title. It's been a very hard thing to do, but unlike in the Harry Potter books the only victim in collecting these objects has been my soul. Soon the first pieces of me will be on display online for you to take and cherish. Family and friends will have "priority", but everybody will be able to contact me via Twitter, Facebook or via email.

I won't put any price, because everything is subject to negotiation and being not too trusty in the Italian postal service, I will not send anything: you either come and get the stuff you want or I can bring them to you during conventions or other events.
One last thing: for the time being you will not see Star Trek related items... that will take a greater toll on my soul and I need a bit more time to get used to the idea of the "Ammiragliato Cloud"!

A few more days and the first pictures will be yours to evaluate.
Thank you, always!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Premio Italia 2014

A good friend of mine, almost one year ago, said to me that I have to be the voice of the STIC now that Alberto is gone. So, after much personal brooding, I decided I have to say something about Premio Italia, although this is not an official STIC announcement.
There is a deadline, on 23:59 next Friday, March 21st, and these are my thoughts, bear that in mind while reading.

Alberto cared about the Premio Italia and wanted it to reach out for more Italian science fiction and fantasy fans, bacause he knew a good slice of fans do not even know what the Premio Italia is. All those who are born and raised as media SF fans, those who watch TV series and movies and - although avid readers - are more attracted to costume contests than to literary conferences, know nothing about it. Alberto worked hard as a negotiator to open up the audience of the Premio Italia and the results are that now every single participant in the latest two editions of the Bellaria convention (STICCON, Italcon, YavinCon etc) is a voter. Writers and cosplayers alike!

I must say that I appreciate the fact that the voters are fans, readers, the general public, but as in any voting system, most of the time the works and the persons awarded ends up being friends of the voters.
There is nothing wrong in it: it is human to favour your friends when you know they have done something worthy of attention. What's wrong is when you expect others not to vote for who's not your friend.
Fair play means you support your team, but cheers when the adversary defeats you. Fair play is when you shake the hand of your opponent and pat his back for having been better than you. Fair play is expecting your rival to do the same!

So, to cut a long story short, I spent the last few days thinking about Premio Italia and wondering about whether to suggest or not some names in the first nominations stage, and to vote or not in the two stages that will name the winners. I was trying to be fair and impartial, and most of all not to fall in the pit of unfair play.
The only conclusion that allows me to have a clear conscience is that... I will not let Alberto's work go awry, I will participate, I will nominate those works and persons I personally know and appreciate.

I will be translating this in Italian for my Facebook profile, but make no mistakes: this is not something you have to read or agree with - this is just my personal votes.

Giacomo Pueroni
Luca Pavan
Luca Oleastri

Filippo Rossi
Francesco Miranda

Stefania Bronzoni
Jessica Farella
Paola Cartoceti

Collana Ragazzi, Fanucci Editore

Fantasy & Science Fiction, Elara

Colony Post

Yavin 4 Fan Club,

Marcello Rossi, organizzatore STICCON e Reunion
Massimo Romani, organizzatore STICCON e Reunion
Marco Pesaresi, organizzatore STICCON e Reunion

Le prime immagini di Into Darkness, Alberto Lisiero e Gabriella Cordone, Ultimo Avamposto Editore
Doppiaggio nell'oscurità, Gabriella Cordone Lisiero, (Ultimo Avamposto Editore)
Facebook, ultima frontiera, Massimiliano Martini, (Ultimo Avamposto Editore)

The Day of the Doctor, Massimo Luciani,

Star Trek Into Darkness, Alan Dean Foster, Ultimo Avamposto Editore
Doctor Who Shada, Douglas Adams, Mondadori
Doctor Who Toccato da un angelo, Jonathan Morris, Asengard

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

My selfish pain

I don't have the right to have everybody preoccupied? I can't be still in pain after more than a year?
Well, people... think again. And welcome to the new me!
I am a selfish person who cannot shake the pain and thus have no control over whether you're worried or not.
I learned how to fake a smile (as I wrote earlier in this blog), but I cannot fake happiness. I am sad. I lost my life when Alberto died and I will cry for it 'till the end of my days.
I learned how to hide my tears, but sometime (like yesterday and today) in order to hide them I have to shut down the rest of the world. I stayed in my bed, crying, sleeping, watching TV. I didn't answers calls. I didn't replied to emails.
So what?
As I said... welcome to the new me: the selfish person with a selfish (and never-ending) pain.
Get used to it!