Tuesday, 21 December 2021

I lost my "faith"

The title of this post is somehow misleading... but it would not if I wrote it in Italian!
The word "fede" (faith), in Italian indicates not only a religious commitment, or a loyalty to someone. It also indicates the wedding ring.

I have no religious "faith" to loose (I'm agnostic), but I had the wedding ring Alberto gave me when we married... and now I cannot find it anywhere!
I'm quite sure I lost it at home, but I searched in every corner of the house, to no avail.

I feel lost myself without it.
I feel that, without that ring at my finger, when I'll die I'll be incomplete.
Does it make any sense?

Edit: on the night between January 1st and 2nd I found my "faith", under a cupboard. I feel I found a little, but important, bit of myself.

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