Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Be like a cat!

My therapist said that I have to learn again how to face life. And an example could be my cat, Rua.

He is the kitten that Gattona, a stray female cat, decided to bring to life on my sofa bed last August.

Well, I'm learning. Cats always live the moment, there is no past for them, nor future. They don't have memories, just experiences. They don't have plans.

My therapist also told me to face my feelings without analysing them, and so I did. And discovered that deep down, past the surviving activities, I "am" nothing but rage and despair.

But I mustn't care about the past. Nor about the future. So I'll live moment by moment, without planning, without thinking.
Improvising. Just like a cat.

And like a cat I'll no longer wear my "I'm-fine" mask, I'll no longer say "that's okay" when it's not. I'll eat, do my daily routine, and sleep a lot!

And maybe I'll resume my human contacts sooner or later - no plans!

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