I received a phone call from RAI 4. Massimiliano told me wanted me to be the host of a panel for the launch of Doctor Who's ninth season at Lucca Comics & Games. I accepted.
A few days later more details came in - and finally...
... the word was out - I'd be host of a Q&A with none other than Steven Moffat and Jamie Mathieson. I was honoured beyond belief.
October 30th
For the launch of the ninth series, which will air next year on RAI4 starting January 3rd, another event has been organized: the preview of the first episode dubbed in Italian.
That's what I worked hard for, that's why I went to Multimedia Network in Rome last September. That's why I had to keep the secret for such a long time!
Being in the theatre must have not been easy for Steven Moffat, especially because, after his own introduction, he watched the first few minutes of his episode with an audience of Whovians who speak another language. It was certainly not easy for me, being accountable for those very Italian lines.
So, it was good to see the audience with their sonic screwdrivers lit during the opening titles. It was good to hear the cheers when Missy appears, the roars when Peter Capaldi makes his grand entrance playing the guitar. And I appreciated the laughter when my Italian equivalent for "Dudes" was heard for the first time!
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For "Dude" I had to resort to some anachronistic slang word, short enough and funny enough! Hence... Bellazio! Multimedia's professionals accepted my suggestion and there it was! |
But make no mistakes, I'm not the one who organized everything in Lucca. The Doctor Who Italian Club was, managing the queues, the flash mobs and all the fan activities. There were a lot of fans - more than I expected (and I had high expectations!) - who cosplayed Doctor Who characters for hours while waiting to enter the theatre and the next day...
... waiting to enter the auditorium for the panel. So many people for too few seats, so many whovians had to stand at the back of the hall, and many more had to stay outside, peeking from the open doors.
I broke the ice of the Q&A with two of my questions and then people had so many interesting questions that the 40 minutes allotted past by in a flash!
Steven Moffat took a picture of a "Missy" (one of the many!) and promised to send it to Michelle Gomez. He also took a selfie with him and Jamie Mathieson in front of the whole audience. But the best part was when Steven asked us to voice the name "Capaldi"... with our proper Italian pronunciation!
Personally I had the chance to talk with Moffat and Mathieson for just a few minutes, before and after the Q&A, and my impression was of two men positively surprised of the quantity of Italian Whovians and the quality of their knowledge of the series.
I wished to have been able to present a brief history of our Italian Doctor Who fandom, but I didn’t wanted to steal the show. So I’m taking the chance here to thank...
- my great group, Doctor Who Hermits United for being such a nice bunch of people, specifically Ennio, Federica, Elena, Chiara & Michela,
- Fabio, for his “battaglia a suon di metallo” (credits go where credits are due!),
- Doctor-Who.it, that is Francesco “Laz” and his "companions", who do a really good job with their amateur subtitles,
- and last but not least, Doctor Who Italian Club whose members, as I already said, have been constantly busy in organizing people around the town!
The frenzy was over sooner than I thought. I closed the Doctor Who chapter and opened the Star Trek one. Unfortunately, on the Saturday afternoon and evening, my staying at the Ultimo Avamposto / STIC-AL's stand was brief due to a fierce headache that forced me to return to my hotel in Viareggio earlier than I wished.
November 1st
My last day in Lucca I spent it with friends, in queue for a meal and for most of the afternoon at Ultimo Avamposto / STIC-AL's stand. My Star Trek reboot costume was a red shirt (Scotty's in my mind), but very few seemed to notice.
Maybe next year, when celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the franchise will be travelling at warp ten, there will be more trekkers around.
As a footnote, I wish to give a huge thank you to BBC, RAI 4 and Multimedia Network for trusting me with their franchise. I worked (and I’m still working) to the best of my abilities for Doctor Who!
As I had done (and, who knows, maybe I'll do) for Star Trek!
I haven't covered everything in this brief report. But if you ask me, I'll edit this post to reply to your queries!