This is one of the many things I would have liked to share with Alberto. I wish I could have chatted with him about the new series of
Doctor Who, the choice of the actor, the new stories, Clara...
Alberto never knew Clara was not just "the soufflè girl". Never knew Matt Smith left the role, never lived the anticipation for the new name, never had the chance to wait for Peter Capaldi's first appearance.
I will never know what Alberto might think of all this, and I will never have the chance to tell Alberto how much I like this
new regeneration, and all the little nuances I loved in his first episode...
Piano. |
I am alone now... |
Me! |
I was talking to the horse! |
I am Scottish. I can complain about things. |
An egomaniac, needy, game-player sort of person. |
Oh, look! He's recharging. |
Oh. I hate being wrong in public. |
Does that make it different from any other restaurant? You weren't vegetarian the last time I checked. |
I thought you might appreciate a drink first. I know I would. |
You probably can't even remember where you got that face from. |
What do you think? |
I'm right here... standing in front of you. Please, just... just see me. |
Some coffee or... chips or... something, or chips and coffee? |
Steven Moffat wrote some great lines for the Doctor, and Peter Capaldi delivered them in a great way.
But I know that Alberto would have probably shaken his head if I told
him that I like Peter Capaldi's Doctor also because he has
grey hair...
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