Wednesday, 23 August 2023

The Return of King Lillian - my review

I just finished reading a book, a novel. I wanted to take a break from reality after many books about popular science.

And I had to recollect myself before writing this humble (spoiler free) review of mine because, boy!, reading The Return of King Lillian, by Suzie Plakson has been a sad-happy-sorrowful-joyride!

I'm in love. With her style and her imagination and her characters and her Whole Wyde Whirld.

While I was reading (a paper book, not Kindle or anything virtual), I heard Suzie's voice narrating. Possibly because I started her novel soon after listening to her PDK show, but also because her words are like lyrics.
The fact that I'm a professional translator had me also think how challenging it would be to translate the book in Italian (or any other language for that matter).
It would be like translating a song: you can translate the lyrics, but not the lyricism. And Suzie's style is musical at heart.

The story is kind of a classic hero's journey, from childhood to womanhood to kinghood. Not dissimilar from many children's literary worlds, but with wonders fresh and new. No spoilers, as I said, but I will never see a horse, a sock, a peacock or a red rose with the same eyes!

The characters, Lillian first, are so vividly depicted, so deep are their emotions that, as with most of the best children's literature, you can emphasize at many levels. A child will see wonderful and colourful people and creatures, an adult will (as in my case) relate to their adventures and misadventures.
A couple of chapters transcended the "fairy tale" becoming my reality for a while, and the narration became so personal that I had to stop reading and wipe my tears. But, again, I don't want to spoil it, so I'm not saying anything more on this.

Something magical also happened while I was reading, something that I had done often in my youth but never later... I was compelled to draw pictures in the book. Of objects or scenes or characters. I'm no artist whatsoever, but I just felt doing it, to make the book "mine"! Like I did when I was much younger. 

And when I reached the end (pardon me... the last page of "The Beginning"!) I felt the circle closing. And all I wanted was to begin reading the book all over again. Like a delicious dish you want to eat again, and again, and again...

I can read Suzie's book again of course, but you know what I would really, really love? To see the story turned into a musical. Not with expensive sceneries or special theatrical effects, just the minimum to spur the viewers imagination. Because there is one thing that's absolutely missing...
The songs!
Again, no spoilers, but I would simply adore to listen to the songs!

"She mewed herself awake", and so did I when I turned the last page. Back to reality! See you soon Whole Wyde Whirld!

Thank you, Suzie!